The actual condition of vocational trainingin juvenile protection agencies and remedies


본연구의 목적은 사회적 약자인 보호소년의 직업능력을 개발하기 위해 보호소년의 직업능력개발훈련의 실태를 분석 및 진단하고, 성공적인 사회 복귀를 위한 개선 방안을 제시하는 데 있다. 본연구에서 다루고자 하는 내용을 구체적으로 제시하면 다음과 같다. 가. 보호소년의 특성과 직업능력개발훈련 1) 보호소년의 특성 2) 직업능력개발훈련을 통한 보호소년의 교정교화의 의의 3) 소년원 직업능력개발훈련 운영 현황 나. 보호소년 특성과 직업능력개발훈련 실태 1) 보호소년 특성 파악, 보호소년의 사회정서적, 기초직업능력수준 2) 직업훈련교사 대상으로 보호소년 직업능력개발훈련 운영 실태 및 요구 분석 다. 보호소년 직업능력개발훈련 만족도 및 개선사항 1) 직업능력개발훈련 운영 만족도 2) 직업능력개발훈련 개선사항 및 취업관련 요구 라. 보호소년 직업능력개발훈련 개선 방안 1) 보호소년 직업능력개발훈련의 전제 2) 보호소년 직업능력개발훈련의 개선 방안Ⅰ. Research summary The purposes of this research are to analysis and diagnosis the actual condition of vocational ability development training for juveniles under protection for occupational capability development of juveniles who are assorted as a socially disadvantaged group and to suggest the remedies for their successful return to normal social life. In order to accomplish these purpose of the research, we collated the relevant literature materials by cooperation from the Ministry of justice, and we also accomplished both of complementary qualitative and quantitative researches such as interviews, FGI, and surveys for convergence of opinions and mutual agreement related to the actual condition, request, and satisfaction level of operating vocational ability development training for juveniles. Ⅱ. Characteristics of protected juveniles and their vocational ability development training 1. The concept and characteristics of protected juveniles 『The juvenile law』 is the law defining protective dispositions for antisocial juveniles, and it has various regulations for juvenile protection up to date since it has been materialized as the law and system in 1958. The definition of ‘the protected juveniles’ signifies the juveniles who sent from the juvenile department of the Family Court or the juvenile department of the district Court according to the statements on 『the juvenile law』 of Article 2, section 1, and Article 32, Section 1, Item 8 to 10. That is, ‘the protected juveniles’ calling the juveniles under protective dispositions are who under full 19 years old with antisociality or criminal tendency and committed crimes outside the range of criminal penalties when prosecutors and judges considered them for adjusting environment and correcting conducts. The juvenile protective dispositions are assorted from No.1 to 10 disposals by judgements of the juvenile protection education institution. No.1 disposal is for guardian care, and No.2 to No.5 disposals are for probation to be managed by probation office. As types of the strongest punitive character, No.7 to 10 disposals are for sending to training school. No. 9 disposal is for sending to the training school and getting curriculum education (including school qualification exam), personality education, or vocational ability development training for over 6 month. No. 10 disposal which is the strongest juvenile protective disposition is for sending to the training school and getting the vocational ability development training for within 2 years. People who are underage for the vocational training (the vocational ability development training is available from 15 years old) or who have insufficient academic background would get the curriculum education in school qualification exam classes. Hence, the objects of this research are protected juveniles getting the vocational ability development training in training schools under No.9(sending to a training school for short-term, less than 6 month) and No.10 (sending to a training school for long-term, less than 2 years) disposals. The previous researches about problem behavior of protected juveniles are focused on analyzing economic and domestic factors, and those are trying to find individual factors that made the antisocial behaviors of juveniles available in these days. As the psychological factors related to delinquency actions, Bartol & Bartol (2010) suggested cognitive, developmental factors like aggression and impulsiveness, hyperactivity, and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and CD (conduct disorder). Kwon Jieun (1998) considered the depression, impulsiveness, self-justification, antisocial tendency, anxiety, aggression as the causal factors of delinquency in individual aspect, and Park Hyunsun (1998) pointed out the impulsive/aggressive tendency, depressed/abandonable tendency, and developmental risk as the individual risk factors of delinquency. On this wise, several previous researchers found the individual characters occurred to delinquent teenagers including protected juveniles from depression, aggression, impulsiveness, and self-control. The criminal trend of young offenders was reduced in the view of the crime situation, but the rate of young offenders of 16 ~ 18 years old is continuously increasing, and the rate of male is more 4 times than female offenders. In addition, it was informed that the rate of joint offenses is higher than the rate of one-man crimes, and the criminal motivation like the love of gain for supplying the entertainment expenses was multiply increased since 2010. Especially the rate of young offenders with more than four criminal records was increased from 6.9% in 2007 to 12.0% in 2011, and it can be interpreted that the juvenile delinquencies are getting habitualized. 2. Vocational ability development training in training schools The vocational ability development training in training schools is accomplished according to the regulations of 『The regulations for vocational ability development of laborer』. Starting from the Anyang training school in 1973, the vocational ability development training in training schools has been operated by public vocational training institutions up to date since ‘the public vocational training centers’ were established in training schools across the country in 1974. Because the protected juveniles in training schools prepare to entry into the labor market upon their age, the training schools applied initial and upgrading training to over 15 years old protected juveniles who received No.9 or No.10 disposal for over 6 month within 1 year. The collective training is mainly executed due to the nature of reception institutions, but it is combined with on-th-job training and has a character of the mixed training. The enforcement system of vocational ability development training in training schools make entered protected juveniles go through the courses of the entered inmate education (10 days), basic education, and enducation for returning to society in order. They get living guide and treatment evaluation during the entered inmate education period and curriculum education, vocational ability development training, personality education, medical and rehabilitation education, and special activities during basic education period. Career counseling, social adjustment guidance, self-sufficiency, and job placement is performed during the period of education for returning to society. There are ten training schools including Seoul training school at the moment, and 8 schools are for boys and 2 schools are for girls, and those are operated as each name according to corresponding education curriculum. Ⅲ. The characters of protected juveniles and actual condition of the vocational ability development training 1. In the aspect of vocational training teachers As the result of the in-depth interview and FGI for vocational training teachers, it showed the they appealed the difficulty and its remedies about class operation and human, material infrastructure due to the characters of protected juveniles and training schools. According to the character of training schools, each learner has different beginning and ending time for training courses, and also the academic level or age is different between 16 to 21 years old so that the coursed are operated as mixed training, therefore the vocational training reached to limit status difficult to systematize and operate for each age or academic level. Furthermore, many opinion stated night duties and assignment tasks of most teachers have larger part of the work than their vocational training duties. In case of contract workers, there were great difficulties in management of protected juveniles in the aspect of following-up control, and they could not use their ability because their identifications were not managed properly. Whereupon, those were requested to expand the vocational training classes and corresponding manpower and to find the management plan of efficient vocational ability development training through the improvement of labor conditions for the teachers. For the last, although a practice through the close connection with industrial sites for employment, it is difficult to process the practice by insufficient place for vocational training, and field practice or vocational guidance also has difficulty. Therefore, the employment supporting by construction of human and material infrastructure for proper vocational ability development training was requested. 2. In the aspect of protected juveniles As the result of the in-depth interviews for protected juveniles, it showed there are difficulties such as surrounding environment that makes them goes in to criminal situations, re-entering to a training school by the violation of probation, low academic level, unclear career awareness by lack of their own interest and attention to their aptitude, in-depth vocational training request, and job placement after coming out of the training school. They had a difficulty to choose the vocational training to learn over a year within a short-term, and even they did not know their own interest or aptitude after they selected their job career, and the information about their career was not enough. Hence, the systematic vocational guidance education and counseling was requested to improve the level of awareness for their career and occupation. Also, protected juveniles had very low academic level even if they graduated from middle school. Meanwhile, some outstanding students among the protected juveniles want to acquire one of qualifications as soon as possible and learn the improvement process for their spare time, but normally one teacher has various charges of basic and improvement course at the same time. Accordingly, it is requested to seek the management plan of vocational ability development training for each level through the reinforcement of corresponding educational manpower. For the last, it was requested to find the environmental improvement plans for continuous job placement and healthy growth of protected juveniles as well as employment supporting such as sufficient field practices or commuting job placement so that they can get occupations and settle down stably. 3. Implications First, as the result of interview about the individual features of training teachers from protective authorities and the backgrounds of selecting corresponding occupation, it was shown most training teachers had great difficulty to apply the proper teaching method or education to protected juveniles due to the lack of prior education that makes teachers understand the characters of protected juveniles before the training is began. Accordingly, the necessity of prior education regarding the characters of learner to the teachers in charge of vocational training for protected juveniles. Second, most of protected juveniles were included in the age group of middle or highschool students, and all of them aware their academic level is low. Third, it was pointed out the systematic education and guidance are necessary for the awareness level of life course and career of protected juveniles. Among the present vocational ability development training courses, the preference for bakery, hair, and welding was high. Fourth, the vocational ability development training is affected by the frequent inflow and temporal nature due to the character of training school, and it made frequently changeable number of trainees and different academic level of trainees so that the vocational training has fundamental limitation. Fifth, although the field practice connecting with industrial sites is important educational method for vocational training, various difficulties occurred to field practice or vocational guidance in vocational training of training schools. Sixth, although these fundamental limit of vocational training in training schools, most of teacher and protected juveniles were satisfied with the chances for the vocational training. Ⅳ. The satisfaction level of vocational ability development training for protected juveniles and improvement requirements 1. In the aspect in vocational training teachers As of the year 2013, it has shown 1/3 (34.8%) of vocational training teachers in training school has less than 3 years of career, and the result of the proportion of their work status, the proportion of counseling about vocational training and assignment task (23.9%) and other administrative work (17.4%) had great part as well as vacational ability development training tasks. For the reason thought by the teachers that protected juveniles join in the training, 56.5% of teachers considered the protected juveniles have purpose on employment/foundation (30.4%) and skill acquisition (26.1%). Nevertheless, they also thought 34.8% of protected juveniles participate for vacational training regardless of their intention because it was impossible to take curriculums. As the difficulties in class of vocational ability development training, ‘interruption for classes by participation of protected juveniles causing problem behaviors (average 1.8)’, ‘academic level below standard of protected juveniles (average 2.0)’, ‘difficulty of study progress by continuous inflow of trainees (average 2.0)’ was appointed. The support of employment and entering school from training schools was mainly applied for employment consultations (91.3%), special lectures (82.6%), participation in career fairs (82.6%), and inspections for employment and entering school (82.6%) in the order, and an opinion was proposed the manpower in overall training schools is insufficient. Especially the shortage rate was shown as protective manpower (73.9%), outside professional lecturer (73.9%), and regular vocational training teacher (65.2%) in above order. Over the majority considered the present budget support from the government for vocational ability development training is not enough. The aspects especially requiring the budget support were ‘expansion of relevant facilities (32.5%)’, ‘training and supporting alternate manpower for specialty improvement of vocational training teachers (30.0%)’, ‘reinforcement of professionals and vocational training teachers (22.5%)’. As the institutional requirements for improvement of vocational ability development training in training schools, securement of regular positioned vocational training teachers (average 4.6), intension of career counseling (average 4.2), characteristic vocational training for each training school (average 4.1), intension of personality education (average 4.1) in above order. 2. In the aspect of protected juveniles It was found the awareness of relevant information for vocational ability development training participated by protected juvenile was generally low as the average 2 point. Especially, the awareness of suitability for ‘wage (average 2.2)’ and one’s own value, ability, interest, and character was low. While some purposes on participation in the vocational ability development training of protected juveniles were considered as investment for their own future such as ‘employment and foundation after coming out of the training school (21.6%) and ’skill acquisition for employment (21.6%), 15.5% of responses was for ‘in order to bear the long-term of detention in the training school’. Also, according to the survey result through the multiple response method about desired vocational ability development training other than present course, ‘bakery (22.9%)’, ‘hair design (14.7%)’,’construction machinery (operation) (12.1%)’ was preferred in above order. There were ‘barista’ or ‘fashion design’ among the other reponses. The satisfaction levels of protected juveniles for vocational ability development training became low in order of ‘employment consultation (average 3.49),’support of exclusive administrative manpower (average 3.54)’, ‘professionalism and teaching method of outside lecturers (average 3.56)’. Also among the expectations for the vocational ability development training participating at present by themselves, ‘adaptation after returning to society and prevention of repeated crime (average 3.6)’ and ‘aid for employment (average 3.5)’ showed high rate. The responses of requirements for improvement had high proportion as in order of ‘intension of support for certificate acquisitors after the completion of vocational ability development training (average 3.67)’, ‘reinforcement of vocational ability development training and field practice customized for corporations (average 3.62)’, ‘intention of employment supporting and consultation after the completion of vocational ability development training (average 3.58)’. The proportion of career decision were high as in order of female (77.3%), over 19 years old people (79.7%), people graduated high school (81.9%), people having families (77.3%). Also, the proportion of the responses for the reasons the protected juveniles can not decide their career (No.1 and 2 ranked responses) were high as in order of ‘do not know one’s own aptitude and talent (21.9%), ‘no information about career (12.4%)’. The career information desired by protected juveniles (No.1 and 2 ranked responses) had high ratio of responses as in order of ‘financial wage (28.7%),’promising job (28.1%)’, ‘job stability (13.0%)’. Also, the difficulties of employment (entering school) considered by protected juveniles had high ratio as in order of ‘low school record (26.7%)’, ‘lack of skill or certificate (19.8%), poor family circumstances (11.5%)’. 3. Implications First, as it is appeared 1/3 (34.8%) of vocational training teachers in training school have less than 3 years of experience, the prior education for learners, relevant systems, and specialty improvement for next new training teachers is required. Second, as the result of examining the proportion of tasks for vocational training teachers, it is appeared the nonoccupational task other than vocational ability development training had high proportion, so in-depth discussion for setting up a role of vocational training teachers in training school. Third, the preparation for expansion of protective authorities for protected juveniles treated with medication and customized class management plan considering the character and level of protected juveniles such as operating the prior education class for learners having academic level below standard before the beginning of the training. Fourth, the preparation of continuous supporting plan considering the character of protected juveniles in the medium to longer term is required more than the supporting plan mainly consisted of consultation processed by vocational training teachers with low leveled expertise of employment and entering school or one-time special lecture and participation in an exhibition. Fifth, those reinforcement of vocational training teachers and manpower in charge, securement of facilities and materials for efficiency of vocational training, and division of labor and reinforcement of manpower for making vocational teachers concentrate in vocational ability development training are required. Sixth, clarifying the relevant supporting plans such as securing the manpower of vocational training teachers for qualitatively guaranteed vocational training in training school, consultation for employment and entering school for protected juveniles, reinforcement by development and application of systematic personality education. Also, the consideration for plans of specialized vocational training for each training school is also required. Seventh, motivation of participation in the training through the interest and aptitude inspections for understanding of the character of protected juveniles related to occupational selection of vocational ability development training and detail information provision such as the wage of corresponding occupation. Eighth, the preparation for motivation plan of training participation and systematic prior education through the sufficient information support about the vocational ability development training process participated by each learner at present is requested. Ninth, the progress of vocational training process helping self-reliance of protected juveniles by vocational ability development training process in various field as well as the present vocational ability development training executed through a close examination about prospective jobs considering the character of protected juveniles is required. Tenth, in case of newly established process of vocational ability development training, it is needed to try to inspire the motivation for training of protected juveniles by efforts for on-site-spot study of relevant work places and provision of the employment information. Eleventh, More operational and detail support for how the process of vocational ability development training that most protected juveniles participate at present is applied to their future employment. Twelfth, when the process of vocational ability development training is expanded for later No.9 protected juveniles, the establishment of target consciousness by preparing for inducement f

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