Study of Educational Renovation Measures for Specialized High Schools


본 연구는 특성화고의 교육 혁신을 위한 방안을 실제 학교 교과교육과 수업에서의 변화를 중심으로 모색해 보고자 하는 데 목적이 있다. 구체적으로 보통교과를 포함한 교과교육과 수업에서의 혁신과 이를 위한 교사 교육과 관리 체제에서의 개선 방안을 구안하여 제시하고자 한다. 교육에서 핵심적인 영역은 ‘무엇을, 어떻게 교육할 것인가?’라고 할 수 있다. 이 연구에서는 특성화고등학교 교육에 있어서 핵심적인 영역이라고 할 수 있는 ‘무엇을’-교과교육(보통교과와 전문교과), ‘어떻게’-수업 방법(또는 교수·학습방법), 그리고 실제 교육을 담당하는 ‘교사의 역량 개발’에 있어서 혁신적 방안을 모색하는 데 초점을 맞추자 한다.With the recent secondary vocational education policy changing from continuing education to employment, the interest in specialized high schools and meister high schools has increased sharply, and naturally various policies have been proposed to enhance high schools’ identity and competitiveness by restructuring or improving secondary vocational education system. However, most of them do not fully reflect the characteristics of specialized high schools since they are mostly focused more on normal high schools. In this context, the purpose of this study is to find how to reform education for specialized high schools including meister high schools, with priority given to actual changes in their curricula and classes at school. Specifically, the study amis to develop institutional improvement plans for teacher education and management system. To do this, first we investigated the realities of specialized high school education and diagnosed our reform agenda through theoretical discussions on this matter. Enhancing measures for specialized high schools are suggested based on the following data: an integrative approach to both general subjects and vocational subjects, several successful teaching cases and domestic education reform cases using STEAM, case studies on secondary vocational education reform in the U.S., Germany, and Sweden, the analysis of teachers’ suggestions for general and vocational subject education, teacher capability enhancement plan. We employed a variety of methods like document and data analysis, class observation, in-depth interview, survey, overseas travel, expert conference and seminar. On specialized high school education, the reform agendas inside and outside education circles are presented along with teachers' opinions and requests. Regarding curriculum content, the following are the reform issues that we diagnosed: the inactivity of underachieving students, the inapplicability of subject organization, the level of general subjects, lack of basic career performance education, the difficulties in formation and operation of vocational subjects, the lack of connection between general subjects and vocational subjects. Teachers pointed out the necessity of developing application subjects, team teaching, teacher education training, adjustment for subject organization and standard subjects. With regard to classroom teaching, the following reform agendas were discussed in a meeting at school: the simplicity of teaching and learning methodology, lack of learning skills, poor classroom environment, the weak educational network for teachers, the failure to link the latest information technology to practical teaching and learning methodology, lack of spontaneous learning organization, difficulty of assessment. Teachers felt the need of developing many different kinds of teaching and learning methods to motivate students and enhance their concentration level. Concerning job performance of specialized high school teachers, the reform issues pointed out are as follows: the lack of teaching and coaching capabilities with consideration of students’ different characteristics, the low level of connectivity between work field and classroom teaching, how to improve the quality of teacher education and training system. Teachers demanded that more realistic and practical education topics should be selected and new teacher training programs should be developed as well. All in all, in order to achieve more effective secondary vocational education, we conclude that there should be innovative changes in curriculum, classroom teaching, and teachers’ job performance ability. First, we need to find how to closely and effectively connect general subjects with vocational subjects so that students may be equipped with necessary general education as well as career skills. Also, the organization and division of subjects should be reformed with a more integrative and convergent approach to specialized high school education, considering the changes of our industrial environment. Secondly, to improve the classroom teaching system, we should make new application subjects that encompass general and special subjects altogether, and try to use STEAM with various teaching methods such as education coaching, project learning, mind-mapping, team-based learning(TBL), problem-based learning(PBL), and so on. Thirdly, to enhance teachers’ job performance, we need to improve teacher training, certification and appointment system. Among other things, the job performance criteria should be standardized and then standardized teacher training program need to be developed and distributed. Also, it is essential to build a training institute and a teaching and learning data center for vocational education with administrative and financial supports. The results of this study will help to reform general education as well as specialized high school education and can be used as basic data for related policies and various advanced teaching plans that the government is pursuing. In addition, this study will contribute to production of class reform models, effective immersion plans and introduction of field-oriented teachers through employing industrial- educational teachers or lecturers.요약 제1장 서 론_1 제1절 연구의 필요성 및 목적3 제2절 연구 내용5 제3절 연구 방법7 제2장 특성화고 교육 혁신에 관한 이론적 논의_9 제1절 특성화고 교육과정 혁신에 관한 접근11 제2절 특성화고 수업 혁신을 위한 주요 교수학습 방법탐색30 제3절 특성화고 교원의 역할과 직무 수행 능력에 대한 이해45 제3장 특성화고 교육 실태와 혁신 과제_59 제1절 특성화고 현황61 제2절 교육과정 실태와 혁신 과제76 제3절 수업 실태와 혁신 과제86 제4절 교원의 직무 수행 능력 실태와 혁신 과제91 제4장 국내외의 관련 교육 혁신 사례와 시사점_105 제1절 국내의 교육 혁신 사례와 시사점107 제2절 국외의 교육 혁신 사례와 시사점151 제5장 특성화고 교육 혁신에 대한 요구 분석_261 제1절 조사 개요263 제2절 보통교과와 전문교과 교육에 대한 요구268 제3절 수업에 대한 요구304 제4절 전문교과 교원의 역량 개발에 대한 요구320 제6장 특성화고 교육 혁신을 위한 방안_327 제1절 교육과정 혁신 방안329 제2절 수업 혁신 방안343 제3절 교원의 직무 수행 능력 강화와 관리 체제 혁신 방안375 SUMMARY_385 참고문헌_389 부 록: 요구 조사 설문지_40

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