Vocational Training as Self-reliance Support for Youth in Residential Care


최근 한국사회는 가족해체와 경기침체 등의 환경적 요인으로 가족기능이 약화되면서 지역사회의 공적 보호가 필요한 청소년들이 지속적으로 증가하는 추세이다. 이 중 시설퇴소·보호관찰처분 청소년 등 자립에 당면한 청소년은 2009년 현재 63,396명으로 추산되고 있다(보건복지부, 2009). 이에, 특별한 보호가 필요한 청소년의 보호 및 자립기반 구축을 위해 보건복지부를 비롯한 관련 부처에서는 다양한 지원사업을 통해 이들의 삶의 질 개선을 꾀하고 있다. 그러나 시설에서 보호받는 청소년들은 만 18세가 되면 아동복지법에 따라 퇴소해야 하고 보호와 양육에 치중된 지원책만으로는 퇴소 이후의 생활보장이 미흡한 실정이다(이윤화·김난희, 2006). 현재 이들의 자립에 필수적인 직업훈련 지원은 대부분 적성파악과 직업체험 등 단기간의 일회성 정책들이며, 각 부처별 연계체제의 미흡으로 사각지대가 발생하는 등 실질적 자립지원에는 한계가 있다. 즉, 아동복지시설 청소년들의 자립지원을 위해서는 맞춤형 직업훈련 지원이 요구되나, 2009년 기준으로 시설 청소년 17,586명 중 직업훈련시설에서 전문적 직업훈련을 받은 청소년은 65명에 불과한 실정이고(보건복지부, 2009), 시설퇴소 청소년의 73.1%가 비정규직으로 일하고 있어, 결국 고위험 청소년 집단에서 빈곤계층으로 전락하고 있는 것으로 나타났다(신혜령 외, 2008). 이에, 시설 청소년의 퇴소 후 자족적인 생활지원을 위해 자신에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 미래를 대비할 수 있도록 지원하는 직업교육훈련 및 지지 체제를 개발함으로써 이들의 빈곤 대물림을 막는 것이 절실히 요구된다. 따라서 본 연구의 목적은 위기 청소년 중 시설에서 생활하는 청소년의 자립지원을 위한 직업훈련 지원체제를 개발하는 데 있다. 세부적 연구 목적은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 이론적 측면에서 시설 청소년의 정의를 살펴보고 현재 시설 청소년 및 시설퇴소 청소년의 취업 특성을 파악함으로써 연구의 범위 및 방향을 규정짓는다. 둘째, 정책적 측면에서 현재 시설 청소년의 자립지원을 위한 직업훈련 관련 지원책의 현황과 사례를 조사하여, 청소년 자립지원 정책의 시사점을 도출한다. 셋째, 실제적 측면에서 시설 청소년의 자립지원을 위한 직업훈련 실태와 요구를 파악함으로써 이의 성공 요인과 제한점을 분석한다. 넷째, 이러한 이론적이고 실제적인 연구 결과를 토대로 정부 정책 및 일선 시설 청소년 자립지원 기관의 운영 측면에서의 직업훈련 발전(개선) 방안을 제시한다.Ⅰ. Outline of the Research The aim of this research is to develop a self-reliance support system for the youth in the residential care. To accomplish the aim, complementary qualitative and quantitative research through analysis on relevant literatures and materials focusing on self-reliance of the youth in the residential care, investigation(FGI and survey) focusing on the current state and bottlenecks of self-reliance support policy, and case studies to grasp success factors of vocational training was carried out. Based on precedent studies and related laws(Child Welfare Act and Framework Act on Juveniles, etc), this research limited the youth in the residential care who needs self-reliance support to the youth ages 12 to 25 in a child welfare institution, the provision of temporary or long-term care that stands in parents who have no skill their intention to play the role of parenting a child in scope. Ⅱ. Characteristics and the Current State of the youth in the residential care The youth under the long-term care of a welfare institution for reasons of poverty of family, parents’ divorce or separation and running away from home comprises a large proportion. And the proportion is reported to be gradually increasing Tong-Won, Kim, et al., 2005; Jae-il, Jeon, 2000). A non-contact situation with the family of the youth who enter a welfare institution in adolescence makes them experience psychological severance above the physical severance and has psychological and social problems(Seon-Uk, -Jeong, 2002; So-Yoen, KIm, 2010). According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare of 2010, a high college entrance rate of the youth in the residential care lows compared with the total percentage and the employment rate of those is more than twice the national average unemployment rate. The range of employment by job classification is labor and service industries which are simple comparatively. It is expected that there lay much difficulty in self-reliance. Support and backing for this difficulty need to be extended. Meanwhile, the youth in the residential care required support in the order of technical training, college entrance, employment referral, information on employment, employment and career guidance and psychological help as a much-needed support for their employment (Gyeong-Hui, Jang, 2008). The importance of vocational training support to get the stable job which corresponds with their aptitude for successful self-reliance is emphasized. Although the youth in the residential care before releasing ask for technical training, guidance for college or universty entrance, provision of information on employment and psychological guidance, scarcity of an institution which can carry out them constantly and professionally is quite serious. Ⅲ. Self-Reliance Policy for Domestic Adolescents in the Residential Care The Ministry of Health and Welfare has conducted various policies for stable self-reliance living settlement and a guarantee impartial opportunity since 2011. Major contents of self-reliance support policy specified in Child Welfare Act include operation of self-reliance support standardization program(Ready? Action!), provision of resettlement funds for self-reliance aid, operation of Self-reliance Experience Center and program, excavation and disposition of self-reliance guide, Baramgaebi supporters and Didimsiattongjang (Child Development Account). The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family operates ‘dodreamzone’ as reinforcement program of the capability of the youth’s self-reliance and provides the vulnerable adolescents ages 15 to 24 requiring self-reliance with vocational training and earning qualifications for career guidance, motivating, economic education, job exploration, technical training, connection guidance to continue study and entering the workforce. The Ministry of Employment and Labor operates the Newstart project, Employment Officer Training School for employment and welfare support of the youth in the residential care. Particularly. Employment Officer Training School for self-reliance support of ‘Adolescents at risk outside of school’ supports so that they may grow as a sound member of society by running parallel with psychotherapy in a stable shelter through living in a dormitory as well as vocational training. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology provides enter school aid and educational expenses of the Discharged from the Child Residential Care and gives them priority in assigning dormitory accommodations. Also scholarship support businesses for adolescents in a low-income family and at-risk by establishment of Education Huimangsadari has been run since 2011. The Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs grants a resident qualification of permanent rental housing, resident support of group home which leads a communal life and rental housing support for the discharged from the Child Residential Care. Self-reliance policies for the youth in the residential care which the Korean government proceeds by department unfold variously reflecting characteristics of department, but places where there are no suffer are arising from the lack of cooperation among departments. Measures for support cooperation reflecting characteristics by department need to be set up. Ⅳ. The Current State and Needs of Vocational Training for Self-Reliance of the Youth in the Residential Care 1. FGI and In-Depth Separate Interviewing a. People in charge of self-reliance support Investigation on characteristics of the youth in the residential care, the actual situation of self-reliance, needs related to self-reliance and personal characteristics of a social worker were conducted among 10 persons in charge of self-reliance support in child welfare institutions using FGI from March 28th to April 26th. The result is as follows. For characteristics of the youth in the residential care, most of the youth in the residential care have low academic standards, as sent a welfare institution after childhood by torment and abuse from family or family break-up. And they are the youth who need more emotional help of a social aspect, getting both psychological and emotional therapy. For self-reliance, the school dropout rate is quite high because most of the youth in the residential care go on to college or university regardless of their own aptitude. For employment, the employment persistency rate is low because they have low ability to keep daily life and the level of satisfaction is also low because of getting vocational training of the legal support field. Support for their stable employment is required because they still remain at low-level employment, taking a temporary position of simple labor or service industries. Most of social workers find it difficult to give employment and career guidance to them due to the lack of information on career guidance. For self-reliance of the youth in the residential care, social workers required vocational training institutes to educate and instruct, grasping characteristics of the youth well and reflecting it and cultivation of a leader and vocational training institutes and programs in various sectors. For characteristics of the youth in the residential care, the provision of more careful and repetitive opportunities is required but the government’s support policies of setting a limit on participation and applying strict standards in case of dropping out of a program need to be reformed. For a self-reliance center, aids services for data management and late support are required. It is hard to accomplish self-reliance of the youth in the residential care based on immanent problems that they have in a short period of time. Connecting the government, child welfare institutions, local government in various aspects and providing a medium and long term, continuous support(therapy) to solve their complicated problems are req uired. b. The youth in the residential care In-depth interviewing on characteristics, occupational view, the actual situation of occupational fundamental ability, the actual situation related to self-reliance actual situation and needs of the youth in the residential care was conducted among 21 adolescents under 13 to 18 living in child welfare institutions from May 8th to 23th. The result is as follows. When they enter an institution due to wounds form broken home, they hide their feelings and live by the rule of the institution. Although at release age, they feel the fear of self-reliance, there are frequent occasions that they choose release unconditionally due to the lack of sense of reality and antipathy for the rule. Because they have unrealistic expectations for their vocation and future, they receive unconditionally anything that the institution suggests on preparation for it. Durability and the level of satisfaction leave room for doubts. It reveals that they tend rather to prepare with their clear objectives than to seek self-reliance in easiest way to access. The youth in the residential care require administrative procedures and an application method of a local community resources, money management skills and guidance to vocational training. And there was the opinion that it'd better to start guidance related to self-reliance and training from the age of a middle school student because they lack perseverance and social adaptability in assessment of themselves. 2. Survey The survey was conducted among the youth in the residential care of high school second-grade students, the age of sixteen living in residential care for children of child welfare institutions in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do born between March 1st, 1995 and February 28th, 1996 and each person in charge of self-reliance helping them by institution. It was conducted form July 9th, 2012 to 13th by mail and 49 institutions and 236 the youth in the residential care, exclusive of mail sent back by ambiguity of address, responded to the survey and the questionnaire divided into two groups, for the youth in the residential care and for a person in charge of self-reliance was composed of general aspects, the level of self-reliance skills, the actual situation and bottlenecks of self-reliance support. a. People in charge of self-reliance People in charge of self-reliance of child welfare institutions have a dual role with other duty. They recognize that ‘self-reliance support program operation’, ‘self-reliance support program plan’ and ‘a career counseling for the youth in the residential care’ of duties related to self-reliance are relatively important. And frequency of performance is less compared to the important, while their recognition of the important of ‘a career counseling for the youth in the residential care’ of duties related to self-reliance is comparatively high. The youth in the residential care rated their recognition and performance level of the important of ‘daily life skills’ and ‘self-preservation skills’ regarding the level of self-reliance skills are high. Also, while they rated the recognition of the important in the order of ‘money management skills’, ‘work life skills’, ‘career exploration and employment skills’ is high, the level of current performance is low. While they rated their recognition of ‘team work ability’ and ‘tools use ability’ regarding the level of vocational fundamental skills is high, they rated their recognition of ‘capacity for figures’ and ‘career development ability’ is low. They required preferentially ‘self-reliance ability improvement’, ‘housing provision’ and ‘appropriate career and employment guidance’ regarding self-reliance support for the youth in the residential care. The bottlenecks of ‘guiding appropriate career and employment guidance’ for the youth in the residential care includes ‘their personality and the lack of desire’, ‘the lack of information and professionalism on career’ and ‘poor school records’. The survey reveals that the rate of their recognition of Ready? Action’(100.0%), ‘DidimsiattongJang’(100.0%), ‘resettlement funds for self-reliance support’(95.9%), ‘self-reliance experience’(95.9%) of the government policies and their actual participation high. Guidance and public relations for the government policies in operation need to be strengthened. b. the youth in the residential care The youth in the Residential Care recognize that difficulties in career and employment are caused by their poor school records and the lack of preparation for employment like technology and certificates. They required support that necessary to grasp their own aptitude and explore a relevant job. The level of self-reliance skills of the youth in the residential care is normal generally, They are vulnerable to the scope of ‘exploration of career and employment skills’ and ‘daily life skills’ In the case that the youth in the residential care decide their career path and they keep in touch with their family. As ‘daily life skills’, ‘self-preservation skills’, ‘mony management skills’, ‘social skills’ and ‘exploration of career and employment skills’ rated as their vulnerable point of self-reliance reveals high score statistically significant, the importance of career guidance and returning of original family is strengthened. They rated ‘teamwork ability’ and ‘leadership’ of the level of the vocational fundamental ability of the youth in the residential care high and rated ‘capacity for figures’ and ‘problem solving skill’. The recognition and the participation rate of ‘DidimsiattongJang’(74.0%), ‘resettlement funds for self-reliance support’(59.5%) was high. In the other hand, their intention of participation in the policy of ‘the self-reliance experience’ and ‘resettlement funds for self-reliance support’ is high, it can be found the cause of that from preference for activities of Experience and financial support. 3. Successful cases of self-reliance support for the youth in the residential care Analyses on self-reliance support, self-reliance-related needs and bottlenecks and surmountableness factors in formation processes of self-reliance by institution discovering cases that support for successful self-reliance, passing environmental restriction as the youth in the residential care and conducting in-depth interviewing were carried out. The cases drew success factors of self-reliance support through interviewing and requesting a manuscript of a exclusive person in charge of self-reliance who discovered cases of four best institutions(having been recommended released people who worked for a company covered by the four insurances over one year and kept working and settling in stable their own housing and were the most satisfied form the exclusive person in charge) proven to be the low-risk group by Seoul city''s checklist on the youth in the residential care and guided the youth released from a institution. In-depth interviewing for a case study was consisted of characteristics of recipients of a institution, career and employment guide, a related support policy, success and surmountableness factors, support for preparation for the path and self-development and preparation for employment. Interviewing and case study were carried out over the span of July to August, 2012. The case study drew the following implications. First, a care and support system to help with confidence and emotional stability that can be independent for self-reliance support and career and employment preparation to set in needs to take precedence. Second, self-reliance manual proposed by the government needs to be redeemed to conduct systematic and practical self-reliance support, considering their needs and characteristics of the youth in the residential care by age more closely. Third, support to strengthen duties and professionalism of the person in charge of self-reliance needs to be extend. Fourth, environment of duties for self-reliance o that the person in charge of self-reliance can concentrates duties for self-reliance, reducing unnecessary administrative and financial procedures needs to be improved. Fifth, the youth in the residential care-customized self-reliance support through scrutiny on doubleness and vulnerability of support by branch of the government needs to be fulfilled. Sixth, the youth in the residential care who entered in adolescence by original family disorganization have been increasing, hence a program for their home comeback home through the provision of stable support for them need to be supported. V. Measures of vocation support system establishment for self-reliance of the youth in the residential care 1. Stages and support policies for self-reliance of the youth in the residential care Vocation support for self-reliance of the youth in the residential care can be greatly divided into the periodic three stages, including employment support to keep self-reliance after releasing a institution. The first stage supporting counseling(therapy) and career guidance when entering a institution grasps the level of children for a diagnosis of the self-reliance level and fundamental ability, considering characteristics of child development and combines counselling with therapy through psychological and social diagnoses. Also it conducts systemic support and customized career guidance for fundamental learning ability. The Second stage supporting vocation for the self-reliance a year before releasing a institution applies a real experience-centered self-reliance program and operates vocational qualification classes. Also it supports recovery of family function through counseling and education of original family. The third stage supporting employment for the maintenance of self-reliance after releasing a institution conducts a two year-monitoring and support by the person in charge of self-reliance and operates a systemic connection system for twenty-four hours. Also it manages database of changes of self-reliance-related released people and combines continuous self-reliance -related support. 2. Policies and proposals for the self-reliance support of the youth in the residential care a. The aspect of support for the self-reliance program First, self-reliance manual and a program, considering development stages and characteristics of the youth in the residential care needs to be compensated. Second, career guidance and vocational education and training for self-reliance of the youth in the residential care need to be conducted at leat in the middle school stage and need to be practical working-centered that can be utilized in practical self-reliance. Third, benefit criterion and specialized vocational education facilities support of the youth in the residential care about school-age vocational education in effect at the government level for effective vocational education and training for self-reliance of the youth in the residential care need to be extended. b. The aspect of manpower First, capability of the people in charge of self-reliance needs to be reinforced and improvement of their working conditions is required. Second, support to obtain certificates in vocational training of the youth in the residential care is required. Third, recovery of family function through counselling and education of original family is required. Fourth, identity establishment of the youth in the residential care and education on parents'' read character is required. c. The aspect of a self-reliance support system First, systemic management of database on the information and needs of the youth in the residential care even after their releasing for their successful self-reliance needs to be conducted. Second, an integrated management system(operation of self-reliance committee(a tentative name) of the youth in the residential care at the government branch level) by branch for self-reliance committee(a tentative name) of the youth in the residential care needs to be established.요 약 제1장 서 론_1 제1절 연구의 필요성 및 목적3 제2절 연구 내용 및 방법5 제3절 연구 범위 및 제한점10 제2장 시설 청소년의 자립지원 관련 이론적 배경_11 제1절 시설 청소년의 개념 및 특성13 제2절 아동복지시설과 시설 청소년 현황18 제3절 시설 청소년의 진학과 취업 현황26 제4절 시설 청소년 자립지원 정책34 제5절 시사점57 제3장 시설 청소년 자립지원을 위한 직업교육훈련 실태 및 요구 분석_59 제1절 FGI(Focus Group Interview) 및 개별 심층 면담61 제2절 설문조사113 제3절 시사점151 제4장 시설 청소년의 자립지원 성공 사례_155 제1절 ○○○○ 직업훈련원 사례158 제2절 ○○○○ 보육원 사례184 제3절 ○○ 천사원 사례196 제4절 ○○○○○○ 고등학교 사례212 제5절 시사점219 제5장 시설 청소년 자립지원을 위한 직업지원체제 구축 방안_223 제1절 시설 청소년의 자립지원을 위한 단계 및 지원책226 제2절 시설 청소년의 자립지원을 위한 정책 방안 및 제언238 SUMMARY_245 참고문헌_261 부 록_267 자립담당자용 설문지269 청소년용 설문지27

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