Entre rios e florestas: uma hist?ria ambiental do munic?pio de Celso Ramos, SC


Over time, the landscape of the municipality of Celso Ramos was shaped by natural and anthropic factors. The objective of this dissertation was to analyze the historical and socioenvironmental aspects of this territory, located at the confluence of the Canoas and Pelotas rivers, in the plateau of the State of Santa Catarina. The municipality has vegetations that were intensely altered by the human occupation - by natives, caboclos and, above all, settlers of Italian origin. The methodology applied in this work was Environmental History, and as sources, were used newspapers, maps, legislation, reports, notary offices, photographs. Through Oral History, the memories and perceptions of local residents were observed. Through this analysis, we noticed the anthropogenic changes that occurred in the environment. Understanding the uses of natural resources, will allow reflections for a possible preservation or conservation of the remnants of flora, fauna and rivers in the area of this study.Ao longo do tempo, a paisagem do munic?pio de Celso Ramos foi configurada por fatores naturais e antr?picos. O objetivo desta disserta??o foi analisar os aspectos hist?ricos e socioambientais deste territ?rio, localizado na conflu?ncia dos rios Canoas e Pelotas, no planalto do Estado de Santa Catarina. O munic?pio possui vegeta??es que foram intensamente alteradas pela ocupa??o humana - por ind?genas, caboclos e, sobretudo, colonos de origem italiana. A metodologia aplicada neste trabalho foi a Hist?ria Ambiental, e como fontes, foram utilizados peri?dicos, mapas, legisla??o, relat?rios, of?cios de cart?rio, fotografias. Atrav?s da Hist?ria Oral foram observadas as mem?rias e as percep??es dos moradores locais. Por meio desta an?lise, percebeu-se as altera??es antr?picas ocorridas no meio ambiente. Compreender os usos dos recursos naturais, possibilitar? reflex?es para uma poss?vel preserva??o ou conserva??o dos remanescentes da flora, da fauna e dos rios da ?rea deste estudo.Ag?ncia

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