Pengelolaan Sekolah Dalam Mengatasi Turunnya Animo Masyarakat Terhadap SD Negeri Tegalmuncar


The purpose of this study was to analyze the causes of the decline in public interest in Tegalmuncar Elementary School, school management to overcome the decline and development so that the school was re-interested by the community. This research is a descriptive qualitative study. The information technique used is interviews and documentation. Data analysis through several stages: data reduction, presentation, and conclusions. The validity of the data using source triangulation and technical triangulation. The results showed that the decline in public interest in Tegalmuncar Elementary School was caused by several internal and external factors. The most prominent causes are school facilities and infrastructure and factors of social status of parents. The management carried out by the principal includes the role of the principal in the development of a school that is protected from the role of the principal as an entrepreneur that has not been implemented. Based on research findings, the development of schools to attract public interest is by developing religious-based and extracurricular school programs and developing the role of principals as entrepreneurs for more attractive promotions

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