Economic Development of Eurasian Countries from Wider Perspectives: Proceedings of the International Workshop


Yasushi NAKAMURA (ed.)1. The Deficiency of Competitiveness: Did Socialism Fail to Foster It? / Choi, Syngjoo(SNU) ; Kim, Byung-Yeon(SNU) ; Lee, Jungmin(SNU & IZA) ; Lee, Sokbae(Columbia University)2. Gender Inequality and Sex Ratios in China, India and Russia / Bhattacharya, Prabir C.3. A Cooperative Strategy: The Economic Roles of China, Russia and Japan under the OBOR Initiative / Hsieh, Wen-jen4. Soviet peasant budget studies and demographic data in the long run and through periods of crisis. / Wheatcroft, S.G.(University of Melbourne, & SRC Hokkaido University)5. Program of the Workshop100, [2] p

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