Malta has a high elderly population. This increased
rapidly throughout the years and is projected to
further accelerate in the future. In 2011, the elderly
population in Malta (60+) was of 98,786, representing
24% of the entire population. The number of elderly
females exceeded that of the males (Figure 1).
However, the increase between 2005 and 2011 was
higher for males: +31%. This is an indication that due to several health
improvements, life expectancy of elderly in Malta is
increasing. Indeed, the Maltese elderly population is
healthier than the EU-27 average. In 2010, the
healthy life year indicator showed that on average,
men and women in Malta at the age of 65 are
expected to live a further 12 and 11.9 years
respectively in a healthy condition (PwC, 2012).peer-reviewe