Descripción de tecnologías priorizadas, marco institucional e impacto en los indicadores de crecimiento verde a escala nacional y regional para los sistemas de café, cacao y ganadería de leche y doble propósito


Este documento constituye el tercer informe del estudio de “Productividad de la tierra y rendimiento del sector agropecuario medido a través de los indicadores de crecimiento verde en el marco de la misión de crecimiento verde en Colombia” realizado por el CIAT y CRECE a través de la orientación y financiamiento del GGGI Colombia y el Departamento Nacional de Planeación (DNP) del gobierno de Colombia. El documento incluye la descripción de las tecnologías priorizadas para los sistemas de café, cacao y ganadería de leche y doble propósito, un análisis del marco institucional nacional y regional a la luz de dichos sistemas productivos y el análisis de los impactos de las tecnologías sobre los indicadores de crecimiento verde considerando metas intermedias y objetivo a 2030. El documento contiene en la primera parte la descripción de las tecnologías priorizadas, en la segunda y tercera parte se presenta el marco institucional nacional y regional con las metodologías y resultados obtenidos de las entrevistas con expertos nacionales y talleres regionales. Finalmente, la cuarta parte presenta la metodología, las metas intermedias y los resultados del impacto de las tecnologías en los indicadores de crecimiento verde a nivel nacional y regional. This document constitutes the third report of the study of "Productivity of the land and yield of the agricultural sector measured through the indicators of green growth in the framework of the Mission of Green Growth in Colombia" through the orientation and financing of the GGGI Colombia and the National Planning Department (DNP) of the government of Colombia. The document includes the description of the prioritized technologies for the coffee, cocoa, and milk cattle and dual-purpose systems, an analysis of the national and regional institutional framework in light of these productive systems and the analysis of the impacts of the technologies on the green growth indicators considering intermediate goals and target to 2030. The document contains in the first part the description of the prioritized technologies, in the second and third part the national and regional institutional framework is presented with the methodologies and results obtained from the interviews with national experts and regional workshops. Finally, the fourth part presents the methodology, the intermediate goals and the results of the impact of the technologies on the indicators of green growth at the national and regional levels.This document constitutes the third report of the study of "Productivity of the land and yield of the agricultural sector measured through the indicators of green growth in the framework of the Mission of Green Growth in Colombia" through the orientation and financing of the GGGI Colombia and the National Planning Department (DNP) of the government of Colombia. The document includes the description of the prioritized technologies for the coffee, cocoa, and milk cattle and dual-purpose systems, an analysis of the national and regional institutional framework in light of these productive systems and the analysis of the impacts of the technologies on the green growth indicators considering intermediate goals and target to 2030. The document contains in the first part the description of the prioritized technologies, in the second and third part the national and regional institutional framework is presented with the methodologies and results obtained from the interviews with national experts and regional workshops. Finally, the fourth part presents the methodology, the intermediate goals and the results of the impact of the technologies on the indicators of green growth at the national and regional levels

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