Techno-economic and environmental comparison between battery and fuel cell electric vehicles


This research presents a techno-economic and environmental comparison between battery electric vehicles and fuel cell electric vehicles that automakers can consider when defining business strategies. The results indicate that there are some limiting factors that might hinder the market penetration of these technologies due to material resources scarcity and limited power generation capacity. Newer business models are expected to change the automotive market. Mobility as a service and connected autonomous vehicles are likely to change the value proposition offered by automakers and it will make more difficult to deliver differentiating factors. Reliability of both technologies is excellent but faster refuelling time of FCEV offers a differentiation factor that could be most appreciated by commercial fleets’ operators. Average BEV cost double than FCEV but the cost differential is narrowing down fast. Range anxiety is one of the main concerns for BEV customers; however, with current 60 kWh batteries, range is enough for most users most of times. The way of financing the procurement of electric vehicles can make a difference in the selection of the technology. Automakers, must combine financing approaches, strategies of differentiation and specific value propositions depending on whether the vehicles are sold to private or corporative clients

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