
Changes in the TRMM Version 7 Space/Time Averaged Level 3 Data Products Based on GPROF TMI Swath-Based Precipitation Retrievals


TRMM has three level 3 (space/time averaged) data products that aggregate level 2 TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) GPROF precipitation retrievals. These three products are TRMM 3A12, which is a monthly accumulation of 2A12 the GPROF swath retrieval product; TRMM 3B31, which is a monthly accumulation of 2A12 and 2B31 the combined retrieval product that uses both Precipitation Radar (PR) and TMI data; and 3G68 and its variants, which provide hourly retrievals for TMI, PR and combined. The 3G68 products are packaged as daily files but provide hourly information at 0.5 deg x 0.5 deg resolution globally, 0.25 deg x 0.25 deg globally, or 0.1 deg x 0.1 deg over Africa, Australia and South America. This paper will present early information of the changes in the v7 TMI GPROF level 2 retrievals that have an impact on the level 3 accumulations. This paper provides an analysis of the effect the 2A12 GPROF changes have on 3G68 products. In addition, it provides a comparison between the TRMM level 3 products that use the TMI GPROF swath retrievals

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