Production of Artemia in Fesendoz earthpond


In order to optimal using of constructed earthpond in fesendoz area which in not used for the maine objective (warm water fish culture) because of previous drought years, the possibility of them for Artemia culture with drainage (40 ppt) and salin well (90ppt) waters between 2012-13 were evaluated. In the first year 2 ha and in the second year 7 ha were prepared according to standard method and artemia nauplii were released 60 /L then fertilized with fertilization method in order to obtain 40 cm transparency with using sechi disc. After reaching to adalt stage and in order to fertilization management Artemai biomass were harvested daily 300 to 1000 g base of the early and late production periods. After observed the cysts it gathered by using sachok, proccess and maintain in freezer for stopping diapousthen dried and canned in 330g can with 7±1 % humidity. All the production costs for biomass 100000 Rials and for cyst 1800000 rials while they selling 250000 rials and 2500000 Rilas respectively

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