Learning, Innovation and ‘tacit pedagogy’ in workplace practice: a comparison of two high-performing organisations in different sectors


This thesis reports on a study which uses a comparative analysis of two ‘high-performing’ organisations in different occupational sectors to identify aspects of workplace culture, work processes, and strategic orientations which are associated with innovation. The study investigates (1) the informal features of organisational culture, work processes and strategic orientation that support innovation; (2) how these features practically interrelate with the formal structures, policies and procedures of these organisations; and (3) how learning, innovation and practice are interrelated conceptually and practically. Interviews and focus groups with teams of practitioners within each organisation (n=24) were analysed to develop a conceptual understanding of the links between practice, learning and innovation which builds on and extends previous research on organisational development, capacity-building, work process design and culture. Its findings provide evidence supporting earlier studies suggesting that (1) ‘expansive’ rather than ‘restrictive’ organisations (Fuller and Unwin 2004) are more likely to be innovative; (2) cultures, work processes and arrangements providing productive conditions and opportunities for employee learning, and particularly for informal learning within and between teams, will also provide productive conditions for innovation; (3) the behaviours, activities and cultures within and across teams, including relationships and team-working practices that produce effective learning by team members, also support innovation; (4) aiming to embed ‘innovativeness’ widely across organisations, rather than treating innovation only as a matter for specialists, is likely to be effective in supporting innovation in contexts of rapid change; and finally (5) organisational orientation towards particular kinds of partnership working and mutuality, together with corporate commitment to expansive notions of ‘public value’ are associated with innovation. The study proposes refinements to the way the interplay between learning, innovation and practice is conceptualised, and introduces the concepts of ‘tacit pedagogy’ and ‘entanglement.

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