Peer assessing individual contributions in a group project


Graduates are expected to have good academic knowledge but also the professional skills required in the workplace. One such ‘soft’ skill is the ability to give constructive criticism and provide meaningful but professional feedback. This is particularly relevant when working in a team within industry, where peers need to influence each other to improve their project outcomes and chances of success. The development of student’s skills to generate such feedback should be supported within higher education. Specifically the IPAC Consortium investigates the use of Individual Peer Assessed Contribution to group work. In this context, students create an output directed to their own peers (i.e. a form of external-facing assessment), and prepares students for similar practices in industry. This paper, linked to the roundtable session on external-facing assessments proposed by Grindle and Tong, investigates staff and student perceptions on such practice. Insights gained to this date are presented

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