A 3D finite-volume integral boundary layer method for icing applications


A three-dimensional integral boundary layer code was developed to allow fast computations of boundary layer flows for the purpose of ice accretion modelling. The model is derived in this paper. It is based on a surface Finite-Volume approach. The unsteady equations of momentum deficit and kinetic energy deficit are solved until convergence is reached, preventing from specifying explicitly the stagnation point or separation line. A validation of the code is also presented in the present article. First, the 3D solver is cross-checked against a 2D solver on test cases of self-similar flows and on a NACA0012 configuration. The modelling of the effects of three-dimensionality is also assessed on a self-similar flow test-case. Moreover, the use of unstructured grids is also validated. Finally, an example of the use of the code for the computation of ice accretion is presented

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