Characterisation of VOCs Surrounding Naum Gabo’s Construction in Space ‘Two Cones’, (Tate) by in situ SPME GC-MS Monitoring


Currently, there are few options for in situ non-destructive monitoring of the stability of modern polymeric materials within heritage collections. Past research has focused on exploiting the information contained in volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from an object to understand decay mechanisms or identify the polymer composition (Lattuati-Derieux et al. 2013; Hakkarainen, Albertsson, and Karlsson 1997). The fundamental shortcoming of many previous studies utilising VOC capture is that often they use destructive analysis, elevated temperatures, artificially aged samples or combinations of these during analysis. While these studies have given us a wealth of information regarding decay profiles and key VOCs emitted from specific polymers, they often lack real-world applicability

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