Redesigning Experience Consumption in Social VR Worlds : Decentralised Value Creation, Mobilisation, and Exchanges


Virtual reality technology based corporates have been developing user-driven open markets for over a decade. The most noticeable initial player was Linden Lab, the service provider of Second Life that launched its metaverse world in 2003. The main features of the service were collaborative VR creation interfaces, individual asset management systems, and the virtual currency named Linden dollar. By the main interaction/interface structure, the residents of Second Life could create a pixel world of their own imagination, reserve the value of digital experiences, and exchange the value of imagination, and experience individually or collectively. A decade of life experience of the virtual world gave us lessons of how people interact, communicate, and evaluate virtual goods and experiences. The recent HMD technology emerged the second round of consumer-based Social VR platform race that has become more immersive, realistic, and user- centred. Relating to the technological leap, recent appeals of Social VR platforms have drawn a great attention from public: Project Sansar of Linden Lab, High Fidelity, and AltSpaceVR to name but a few. The social VR platforms commonly installed co-presence, avatar embodiments, real-time collaborations, and communications over virtual spaces. Project Sansar has conceptually inherited the idea of “the world by residents” from Second Life, its virtual monetisation pilot system. Project Sansar launched creators preview in late 2016, and recruited 3D builders among Second Life business owners, who have potentiality of opening a new business in the Project Sansar platform. After over a year of creators preview operation, it tackled major technical issues of building worlds over a HMD enabled VR system, and key storefront features of a consumer based creation system. Apart from their day-to-day trouble shootings, it raised a couple of questions on critical facets of consumer based creation systems. First, the crowdsourced world building needs a common ground of the planning body. How do they build the common ground to give a form of imagination? Even though they run an extremely peripheral structure, ultimately they need an organizational steering that maintains rules, and actions. In short, how can residents share common architecture in a speculative nature? Eventually how does it transit to a planning, designing, building and consuming cycle? To address these research questions, we conducted a design game research that gathered data from design game participants who were second and third year students (N = 7) in an interaction design course. The participatory design methodology installed a group simulation for creativity that appeared the influences of immersion, and collaboration to a collective design quality. The research results highlighted the key elements of user-driven innovation in the virtual world and consumer based platforms. It gives insightful design guidelines for consumer based virtual reality services those are targeting decentralised monetary system developments in a practical perspective. Theoretically, it has a potential contribution to the complexity area that assimilates innovation models for multi-agents in technical sectors

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