Influence de la plante hôte sur les stades de développement de Borocera cajani (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae)


Borocera cajani Vinson (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae) is a silk moth endemic to Madagascar that is currently used to produce silk textiles. This silk moth is polyphagous and colonizes forests situated in the central highlands, mainly constituted by Tapia trees (Uapaca bojeri). Two host plants are commonly used by the caterpillar of this moth species: Tapia and Voafotsy (Aphloia theiformis). In this work we have evaluated parameters of different stage (survival rate, development duration, weight and size, fecundity…) of B. cajani on both host plants. We have observed a 30% higher survival rate on U. bojeri. Larval and pupae duration were shorter on U. bojeri (64,8 ± 1,5 days) than on A. theiformis (87,4 ± 2,0 days). Cocoons were bigger when obtained from larvae fed on U. bojeri. This plant is therefore better for the development of B. cajani and should be used in intensive rearing of this silk moth

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