
Achromatization of solar concentrator using diffractive optics


Photovoltaic energy suffers from payback time. High solar concentration (above 500 suns) is a very interesting way to reduce production cost. The use of lenses allows more flexibility to make light flux more uniform. In addition lenses are less prone to errors of manufacture and can be easily duplicated. Unfortunately, optical materials are very dependent on the wavelength which causes important chromatic aberrations. One can think about achromatic doublets but doublets are thick, heavy and require exotic glasses which make them expensive. During the conference, I would like to present an innovative way to achromatize solar concentrators using hybrid (refractive/diffractive) lenses. Indeed, an hybrid lens is as thin as a Fresnel lens and is made in only one glass. But diffractive lenses suffer from limited broadband diffraction efficiency due to spurious orders. To overcome the lake of efficiency we are investigating the use of multi-layer diffractive optical element. This technique allows to achieve an efficiency greater than 97% over the full visible spectrum using only three components (e.g. two optical elements + air)

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