
A case study of cross-curricular dialogue as a part of teacher education in the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) approach


This study is part of a large project on teacher education in the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) approach to teaching in Spanish secondary-education schools. The study departs from the assumptions that the professionals working on interdisciplinary environments such as CLIL education require an informed appreciation of the perspective of a complementary discipline - either a linguistic or content one (Newell in Chettiparamb 2007: 45) and that cross-curricular dialogue is a tool for obtaining information about what makes it difficult for professionals from different teaching praxes and epistemological traditions to reach agreements about what language and what content to teach and how to integrate these when planning CLIL activities (Escobar Urmeneta 2008). The study explores the professional perspective an expert in the Pedagogy of History offered to an expert in the Pedagogy of English as a Foreign Language. The main results of the analysis are the reconstruction of the former's model for teaching History and his conception of the role of discourse in the Pedagogy of History. These are the basis for identifying potential points for discussion between an expert in the Pedagogy of History and an expert in the Pedagogy of Foreign Languages who have to engage in a process of cross-curricular collaboration to develop CLIL teaching sequence

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