
Modificación de las actitudes del alumnado de secundaria hacia la práctica de actividad


La orientación de las actitudes hacia la práctica física se presenta como un aspecto importante para la adquisición y mantenimiento de hábitos físico-deportivos en la adolescencia durante su tiempo de ocio. En este trabajo se resentan los resultados logrados a través de un programa de intervención en Educación Física orientada a la salud en alumnos de 4o de E.S.O., caracterizado por desarrollar conocimiento aplicado a la práctica, espíritu crítico respecto a reencias sociales sobre salud inadecuadas y disfrute en la práctica, utilizando para ello, entre otros recursos, foros de debate en Internet.The orientation of attitudes towards physical practice is shown to be an important aspect for teenagers to acquire and keep up sports and physical habits during their free time. In this paper we set out the results achieved through a health-oriented Physical Education intervention programme in pupils in the fourth year of Secondary Education, characterised by developing knowledge applied to practice and a critical spirit regarding unsuitable social beliefs about health and enjoyment in practice, using, among other resources, Internet forums. The results of the investigation show, at a statistical level, a very remarkable increase both in the attitudes towards the process and towards the product in the intervention group (or Physical-Health Education group) unlike the control group (or Physical Education group). Therefore, as a whole, we can conclude by highlighting the suitability of the intervention aimed at modifying attitudes towards health-oriented physical practic

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