
L'expedició dels khàzars : un paral·lel caucàsic d'Heròdot?


The first work of the collection known as the Georgian Chronicles (KÔartÔlis CÔxovreba), «The History of the Kings of Iberia» by Leonti Mroveli, contains an episode relating to a Khazar invasion of Transcaucasia in a remote past, some generations after the biblical division of tongues at Babylon. Despite its medieval background, which is analysed in detail, we try to see in this text a late version of ancient autochthonous oral traditions dealing with a great prehistoric migration of Iranian steppe nomads through the Caucasus, comparing it with Herodotus' reports on the Cimmerian-Scythian raids in Asia Minor and with reference to Gimirrajaand I©/A©kuzajain thestate archives of the Assyrian king Esarhaddon

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