We present a systematic study of capillary filling for multi-phase flows by
using mesoscopic lattice Boltzmann models describing a diffusive interface
moving at a given contact angle with respect to the walls. We compare the
numerical results at changing the density ratio between liquid and gas phases
and the ratio between the typical size of the capillary and the interface
width. It is shown that numerical results yield quantitative agreement with the
Washburn law when both ratios are large, i.e. as the hydrodynamic limit of a
infinitely thin interface is approached. We also show that in the initial stage
of the filling process, transient behaviour induced by inertial effects and
``vena contracta'' mechanisms, may induce significant departure from the
Washburn law. Both effects are under control in our lattice Boltzmann equation
and in good agreement with the phenomenology of capillary filling