
Without The Walls Which Do Not Last


In Ersilia, to establish the relationships that sustain the city’s life, the inhabitants stretch strings from the corners of the houses, white or black or gray or black-and-white according to whether they mark a relationship of blood, of trade, authority, agency. When the strings become so numerous that you can no longer pass among them, the inhabitants leave: the houses are dismantled; only the strings and their supports remain ... Thus, when travelling in the territory of Ersilia , you come upon the ruins of the abandoned cities, without the walls which do not last, without the bones of the dead which the wind rolls away: spider-webs of intricate relationships seeking a form. Italo Calvino Invisible Cities Without The Walls Which Do Not Last is an exhibition which explores the practice of drawing beyond its identification as a ‘Fine Art’ discipline. As well as showcasing the breadth of drawing practices within the University and its application in fields as diverse as engineering, design, business, science, health and the arts, the purpose of this exhibition is to consider potentially broader and less orthodox examples of ‘drawing’ within the surrounding communit

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