
M\'ethodologie de mod\'elisation et d'impl\'ementation d'adaptateurs spatio-temporels


The re-use of pre-designed blocks is a well-known concept of the software development. This technique has been applied to System-on-Chip (SoC) design whose complexity and heterogeneity are growing. The re-use is made thanks to high level components, called virtual components (IP), available in more or less flexible forms. These components are dedicated blocks: digital signal processing (DCT, FFT), telecommunications (Viterbi, TurboCodes),... These blocks rest on a model of fixed architecture with very few degrees of personalization. This rigidity is particularly true for the communication interface whose orders of acquisition and production of data, the temporal behavior and protocols of exchanges are fixed. The successful integration of such an IP requires that the designer (1) synchronizes the components (2) converts the protocols between "incompatible" blocks (3) temporizes the data to guarantee the temporal constraints and the order of the data. This phase remains however very manual and source of errors. Our approach proposes a formal modeling, based on an original Ressource Compatibility Graph. The synthesis flow is based on a set of transformations of the initial graph to lead to an interface architecture allowing the space-time adaptation of the data exchanges between several components

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