
On the interpolation constant for subadditive operators in Orlicz spaces


Let 1p<q1\le p<q\le\infty and let TT be a subadditive operator acting on LpL^p and LqL^q. We prove that TT is bounded on the Orlicz space LϕL^\phi, where ϕ1(u)=u1/pρ(u1/q1/p)\phi^{-1}(u)=u^{1/p}\rho(u^{1/q-1/p}) for some concave function ρ\rho and TLϕLϕCmax{TLpLp,TLqLq}. \|T\|_{L^\phi\to L^\phi}\le C\max\{\|T\|_{L^p\to L^p},\|T\|_{L^q\to L^q}\}. The interpolation constant CC, in general, is less than 4 and, in many cases, we can give much better estimates for CC. In particular, if p=1p=1 and q=q=\infty, then the classical Orlicz interpolation theorem holds for subadditive operators with the interpolation constant C=1. These results generalize our results for linear operators obtained in \cite{KM01}

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