The.pu4rose of study k to find the empirical etridence which influence job satisfaction
anfeoedenaa andtheimpcltojablopltyinfrTbllolmSuralanta-Jobsdiiactionanfecedences
used on thk s-tttdy are emry"errnent and participation; working conditiota; rquard and
rrynition;teamvnrl<;andbaining and danelopmenLThesamplingtxlnique ispurryive
smpling.'Ihe number of lar,lsampls are usd as muclt as 175 emplaye* with qiteria have
a minimum working d leasl, one year perid.The methd of analysk used ln this str:dy is a
S/;rucfirral Eqtdion Mdeling (SHtf) withAMOS 6.0.Reslt of this study sltovvs all indicators of
eachJobsffiaclionanfecedence (ernpwermentardprticipdioq-vw*ingalnditiotts;rctuard
and r*qnition;teamvnofi and tuining and datelopment) thal has signifrcutt irtluence on
*pndingthewpeof thisstudlaantsidering othervariablsthat are clcelyrelatd to the
variabl* in this s:tud1z
I(qwd: hunan resources management, job satMaction and job lqraltJ