Effectiveness of E-Teaching Implementation and Prospects of Its Advancements for Distributed Groups of Learners


Process of teaching is considered as interaction of complicated intellectual systems. Properties of classical classroom teaching and computer-based learning (eLearning) are compared in respect of interrelated systems involved to teaching/learning process. It is shown that on the base of adoptive character of classical classroom teaching lies “slow” and “quick” feedback between teacher from one side and groups of learners and individual learners from other side. These feedbacks are not inherent to eLearning and eTeaching. Viewpoints of paper’s authors regarding problems of eLearning/eTeaching and possible ways of these problems eliminating are presented. Experience of paper’s authors in application of eTeaching directed to different types of distributed learners groups, namely, young people with special needs, teachers of Informatics from rural secondary schools and representatives of rural municipal offices, is described. It is shown that particularly teachers of Informatics are the most appropriate target group for approbation and popularization of new eLearning/eTeaching methods and approaches. Summarizing paper authors’ experience in conducting of eStudies with different target groups of learners a set of opened issues is formulated. Answers to raised questions should throw light upon mentioned problems and their reasons, give approaches to problems eliminating and show the way of eLearning/eTeaching advancements

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