An exploration of how marital expectations and socio-economic status impact post-secondary educational and professional goals of Northern CA Asian Indian immigrant women


This phenomenological study explored the impact of marital expectations and socio-economic status on post-secondary educational and professional goals of Northern California Asian Indian immigrant women both before and after marriage.For the purposes of this study, 15 Southeast Asian Indian immigrant women from the Sacramento metropolitan region were selected for face-to-face interviews, a focus group study, and observation. Women were selected according to criteria including (a) women who were born in India but had migrated to the United States at an early or adult age, (b) were married or divorced, (c) had completed high school, (d) were in the age range of 20-65, and (e) had completed, were in the process, or planned to complete a post-secondary education (f) had prior work experience, were working, or desired to work.Study findings revealed that marital expectations and socio-economic status did impact womens post-secondary educational and professional goals, both before and after marriage. Womens post-secondary educational and professional goals were also affected by numerous other factors, such as parental and familial influences, evolutionary trends, and educational and cultural differences in the United States. Each of these factors shaped and impacted participants goals in different ways and many of the factors were closely inter-related. Since lack of social support in a foreign land was a barrier that impacted participants marital and familial lives that in turn impacted their educational and professional goals, it was recommended that a social network of Asian Indian immigrant women be formed to lend social, emotional, psychological, financial, and intellectual support.Ed.D., Educational Leadership and Management -- Drexel University, 201

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