Intergenerational dialogues concerning arts participation: Addressing the "missing links"


This thesis explores intergenerational dialogues concerning arts participation. This paper puts current arts participation literature into context with actual stories from artists and nonartists of differing generations. Various themes have been compiled based on several interviews and similarities between stories lead to a new language in which to talk about the impact of varying degrees of arts participation. The themes include: Familial Impact & The Cycle of Arts Appreciation & Identity, Why do Artists Make Art, The Artist’s Inner Struggle & Why (Some) People Are Not Artists, The Connections Artists Make, and Intergenerational Changes in the Definition of Art & What It Means to Be an Artist. This paper serves as a call to action to provide better language for artists, arts appreciators, and arts organizations to talk about arts experiences. When examining actual artists and their lives, we begin to understand the means by which art is created.M.S., Arts Administration -- Drexel University, 201

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