
Measurements to Understand the Flow Mechanisms Contributing to Tandem-Rotor Outwash


Downwash and outwash characteristics of a model-scale tandem-rotor system in the presence of the ground were analyzed by identifying and understanding the physical mechanisms contributing to the observed flow field behavior. A building block approach was followed in simplifying the problem, separating the effects of the fuselage, effects of one rotor on the other, etc. Flow field velocities were acquired in a vertical plane at four aircraft azimuths of a small-scale tandem rotor system using the particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique for radial distances up to 4 times the rotor diameter. Results were compared against full-scale CH-47D measurements. Excellent correlation was found between the small- and full-scale mean flow fields (after appropriate normalization using rotor and wall jet parameters). Following the scalability analysis, the effect of rotor height on the outwash was also studied. Close to the aircraft, an increase in rotor height above ground decreased the outwash velocity at all aircraft azimuths. However, farther away, the longitudinal and lateral axes of the aircraft showed increasing and decreasing outwash velocities, respectively, with increasing rotor height. Measurements also indicated the presence of large-scale (of the size of the rotor height) shear-layer vortical structures along the ground that could be the source of low-frequency (approximately 1 Hz) flow variation observed in the full-scale measurements. Flow visualization studies and PIV measurements were also made on jets of different sizes to complement the observations made on rotors wherever possible. Baseline rotor measurements were made out-of-ground effect to understand the nature of inflow distribution for realistic rotor configurations and their modified characteristics in the presence of ground. Lastly, a feasibility study on applying high-fidelity CFD simulations for outwash study was conducted using Helios to model an isolated rotor configuration IGE at full-scale Reynolds number. The results were encouraging and demonstrated the practical challenges associated with predicting rotor outwash

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