Registratie van ascorbinaatverdunningscurven en van veranderingen in Po2 en bloedstroomsnelheid met onbekende gepolariseerde Pt-elektrodes.


Indicator dilution technics have found widespread use in cardio vascular research since the routine application of cardiac catherization. The fundamentals of these technics date back to Fick, Stewart and Hamilton• Especially oximetry and dye dilution gained much attention and application. After the introduction of the intravascular Pt-electrode as detector for H2 and ascorbate by Clark29•30 , these methods drew much interest, a great variety of applications having since been published. Especially the use of inhaled H2 as indicator and a so-called potentiometric Pt-electrode as detector was used in many investigations, primarily in the evaluation of circulatory shunts. This method however, has the disadvantage of giving only qualitative information. The use of a polarized Pt-electrode for the detection of injected ascorbate as indicator has the benefit of a linear relationship between signal and concentration. The disadvantage of polarized electrodes in a flowing medium is the dependency of the signal on the flow velocity. This drawback limited the application of ascorbate dilution technics, while furthermore most of the available electrodes were, or soon became, insensitive to ascorbate..

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