Het effect van een patellabandje op de pijn bij sporters met een patellatendinopathie


Introduction: Athletes with patellar tendinopathy (jumper’s knee) often use an infrapatellar strap in order to reduce their pain during knee loading activities like jumping and landing. However, no studies have been performed to investigate the effectiveness of this orthosis. Aim of this study is to analyze the effect of an infrapatellar strap on pain during patellar tendon loading activities. Hypothesis of this study is a reduction in pain when and short after using an infrapatellar strap during patellar tendon loading activities. Methods: Fifty adult athletes (male (n=36) and female (n=14); mean age 28.4 (range 18-48) years) with patellar tendinopathy (mean VISA-P 55.6±14.6; median duration of symptoms 24 (range 3-300) months) performed ten single leg decline squats, the maximal jumping test and the triple hop test with and without an infrapatellar strap. Pain during this functional patellar tendon loading tests was recorded on a visual analogue scale. Athletes also used the straps during training and games and were asked for satisfaction with and side effects of the strap. Results: Pain reported differed significantly when performing ten single leg decline squats without and with a strap, 4.2±2.5 and 3.4±2.3 respectively (p<0.001) and when jumping three times on one leg 3.4±2.7 and 2.8±2.2 respectively (p=0,020). Jump height on one leg differed significantly with and without a strap, 27.2±7.8 and 24.5±6.5 centimeters respectively (p<001). Pain reporterd five minutes after removing the strap and performing ten single leg decline squats also differed significantly with the first series of ten decline squats, 3.6±2.2 and 4.2±2.5 respectively (p<0.001). Sixty percent of the athletes reported that the strap reduced their pain during and after their sporting activities. The only side effect reported was an irritating feeling in the popliteal space when using the strap and sliding down of the strap. Conclusion: An infrapatellar strap can reduce pain experienced by athletes with patellar tendinopathy who perform patellar tendon loading activities.

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