Permanent denition caries in KwaZulu and Namibia 11-year-olds


KIMThe permanent dentitions of 11-year-old children in Namibia (n = 295) and KwaZulu (n = 308) living in rural and urban areas were examined using WHO caries diagnostic criteria. In low fluoride areas (less than 0.15 ppmF) significantly more caries was present in rural compared to urban KwaZulu but the prevalences in rural and urban Namibia were similar although significantly higher than in an area with 1.56ppmF in the drinking water. There was significantly more caries in rural Namibia than KwaZulu but the urban prevalences in both regions were similar. It is suggested that the urban findings are useful predictors for the needs of 11-year-old black children but local baseline surveys should be undertaken before considering dental programmes, treatment or preventive, for different rural communities in South Africa

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