The popularity of the athletics and viewership on the Czech television


Název: Popularity of athletics by Czech athletic public and its viewing on Czech Television Cíle: The aim of the bachelor thesis is to find popularity of athletics in the Czech athletic public and to compare the obtained secondary data on athletics audience on Czech TV. Metody: Opinions and attitudes to popularity are found in respondents from the athletic family by means of written questioning. Using interview based on in-depth interviews, we get data on the issue of athletics programs on Czech TV and how the broadcasting itself is being prepared. The obtained secondary data on tracking of athletics on Czech TV was used to compare all the results. To create the theoretical part of the work, the method of document analysis was used. Výsledky: The results show that athletics belong to popular sports. The results are strongly outweighed by the opinions of men who tend to be more productive in athletics than women. Athletics in the Czech Republic confirm the rule that the number of men in sport exceeds women. Respondents' views on doping are comprehensible in that a substantial part of the public wants tighter penalties. Czech athletic public considered as a most popular athlets firstly Usain Bolt then Wayda van Niekerka and Mutazza Barshima, and athletic legends strongly favor Jan Železný's..

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