List of previous Proceedings of the North American Crane Workshops
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PREFACE: The North American Crane Working Group (NACWG) is an organization of professional biologists, aviculturists, land managers, non-professional crane enthusiasts, and others interested in and dedicated to the conservation of cranes and crane habitats in North America. Our group meets approximately every 3 years to exchange information pertaining to sandhill cranes and whooping cranes and occasionally reports about some of the other cranes species. Our meeting in Lafayette, Louisiana, 14-17 April 2014, celebrated the return of whooping cranes to Louisiana for the first time in 60 years. The workshop was organized by Sammy King and Gay Gomez, and we thank them for their efforts. The field trips to see the release site for the whooping cranes, as well as learning about Louisiana’s crawfish and rice industry, were enlightening and enjoyable. The NACWG Board of Directors consisted of President Jane Austin, Vice-President Richard Urbanek, Treasurer Daryl Henderson, Felipe Chavez-Ramirez, David Aborn, Barry Hartup, and Sammy King. The scientific program consisted of 39 scientific talks and 13 posters. The papers in this volume include some of those presented at the workshop as well as others submitted later. Papers submitted for publication in the Proceedings are peer-reviewed according to scientific journal standards. We thank the following referees for their contribution to the quality of this volume: Nicholas J. Aebischer, Jeb A. Barzen, Andrew W. Cantrell, Michael D. Culbreth, Martin J. Folk, Matthew A. Hayes, Scott G. Hereford, Jerome J. Howard, Anne E. Lacy, Julia A. Langenberg, and Sara E. Zimorski. Barry K. Hartup, Daryl S. Henderson, and Tommy C. Michot were instrumental in final editing and proofing.
Memorials: THOMAS J. “TOM” HESS, JR. 1950-2014; SCOTT M. MELVIN 1953-2014; TERRY J. KOHLER 1934-2016
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