Impacts of 40 Years of the Gudmundsen Sandhills Laboratory on Beef Cattle and Range Systems


The University of Nebraska (UNL) Gudmundsen Sandhills Laboratory (GSL) is a 12,800-acre research ranch in the Nebraska Sandhills. In 1978, Elmer “Pete” and Abbie Gudmundsen gifted the former Rafter C Ranch to the University of Nebraska Foundation. Thus, 2018 was the 40th year of UNL oversight of GSL. To the credit of UNL Administration, GSL development for range livestock research was delegated to a team of Research and Extension Specialists chaired by Dr. Don Clanton. Other members of that original team were Jim Nichols, Range Science; Gene Deutscher, Reproductive Physiologist; Dick Clark, Agricultural Economist; and Ivan Rush, Beef Extension Specialist. This team configured the ranch to investigate production and management questions pertinent to the region

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