Evaluation of Fractionated Distillers Grains (High Protein and Bran Plus Solubles) on Performance and Carcass Characteristics in Finishing Diets


A finishing study evaluated the effect of feeding a new, high protein distillers grains along with corn bran plus condensed distillers solubles compared to traditional wet distillers grains, traditional dry distillers grains and a corn-based control. Each byproduct replaced corn at 40% of the diet dry-matter. Intake was not affected by treatment; however gain and carcass weight were greater and feed conversion improved for high protein distillers and corn bran plus solubles than either type of traditional distillers grains or corn. Based on feed efficiency, the feeding values of high protein distillers grains and corn bran plus solubles are 121% and 125% that of corn, respectively. These new byproducts appear to be viable options for producers to utilize in finishing diets

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