Scholarly Communications of Mizoram University on Web of Science in Global Perspective: A Scientometric Assessment


Objectives: Scientometric assessment of the performance of scholarly communications of Mizoram University in world scenario. Methods: The ten years of scholarly communications have been retrieved from Web of Science for Mizoram University. The study analyses the scholarly communications, citations data, h-index, prolific contributors, forms of scholarly communications, funding agencies, highly cited scholarly communications, top areas of scholarly communications, authorship patterns and degree of collaboration. Results: Physics and Chemistry subjects found the highest productive area of scholarly communications, multiple authorship is prevalent with high degree of collaboration among authors, Department of Science and Technology (DST) as the topmost funding agency, South Korea found the strong collaborative country with Mizoram University in academic research, “Tiwari D” as the highest cited author, “Thapa RK” as the highest productive author, and increased growth in number of scholarly communications as well as citations. Contributions: The study analyzed the scholarly communications in terms of scientometric assessment and presented the current scenario of Mizoram University’s scholarly communications at the world level based on WoS database. It gives the insight to understand the situation of scholarly communications and make the future course of action accordingly. Mizoram University’s academic departments may also take the future course of action for more research to boost-up the university’s contribution at the global level

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