Registration of the Chickpea Germplasm PHREC-Ca-Comp. #1 with Enhanced Resistance to Ascochyta Blight


The chickpea or garbanzo bean (Cicer arietinum L.) germplasm PHREC-Ca-Comp. #1 (Reg. No. GP-282, PI 659664) was developed by the former Alternative Crops Breeding Program at the University of Nebraska Agricultural Research Division and was released in 2010. It was bred specifically for adaptation to growing conditions in Nebraska and for enhanced resistance to Ascochyta blight, a major disease of chickpea caused by Ascochyta rabiei (Pass.) Labr. PHREC-Ca- Comp. #1 is a composite of PI 315797, PI 343014, PI 379217, PI 471915, PI 598080, and W6 17256. The composite was developed in the fall of 2002 and was evaluated in six irrigated and four dryland environments at Scottsbluff, Sidney, and Alliance, NE, from 2004 to 2009. Across irrigated environments, PHREC-Ca-Comp. #1 had the lowest severity rating for Ascochyta blight and a higher yield under both irrigated and dryland conditions than ‘Sierra’, ‘Dwelley’, ‘Dylan’, and ‘Troy’. PHREC-Ca-Comp. #1 is a small, round, cream-colored kabuli-type chickpea. It exhibits an upright, indeterminate growth habit. Plants average 66 cm in height and have excellent resistance to lodging. PHREC-Ca-Comp. #1 has a fern leaf structure and white flowers and blooms 44 d after planting. It is a midseason bean, maturing 116 d after planting. Although its seed size does not meet commercial standards, PHREC-Ca-Comp. #1 has value in breeding programs as a source of resistance to Ascochyta blight and because of its high yield potential

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