Social withdrawal in Russian youth: using the Extended Class Play to examine socio-emotional and academic adjustment


This study explored the socio-emotional characteristics and school adjustment of shy/socially withdrawn youth and examined the properties of the Extended Class Play (ECP), a common peer measure of shyness/withdrawal and other social behavior with Russian early adolescents (n =106; mean age 12.5). Associations between the ECP scores and teacher- and self-reports of adjustment (e.g. internalizing problems) provided evidence-supporting use of the ECP with Russian adolescents. Similar to North American studies, results also indicated that shy/socially withdrawn Russian youth tended to be more excluded, report greater internalizing problems and were also more asocial than a comparison group. No differences were found between shy/socially withdrawn and non-withdrawn adolescents in victimization/exclusion and academic performance. The discussion emphasizes the need for further examination of potential role of teacher-directed social interactions and classroom norms across the cultural contexts

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