Do Citations make Impact on Social Media? : An Altmetric Analysis of Top Cited Articles of University of Madras, South India


Altmetrics is an emergent research area whereby social media is applied as a source of metrics to assess scholarly impact. Over the most recent couple of years, the enthusiasm for altmetrics has developed, offering ascend to numerous inquiries in regards to their potential advantages and difficulties. As another developing field, Altmetrics has turned into a trailblazer, and got a decent arrangement of consideration by specialists associated with the assessment of logical research. This paper aims to analyse top 15 articles of University of Madras which have scored high citations. It aims to find out to what extend the top cited articles have secured altmetric scores. Do the citation score really create any impact on the social media? This is the research question formulated and comparing tool features, social media data sources, and social media events provided by Altmetric aggregators and thus they are analysed. Spearman Rank correlation metrics shows high correlation between the ranks of citations and Altmetric scores. The tweeter and Mendeley are the media through the scholarly communication highly disseminate. The analysis of readers shows that United States tops the list, followed by United Kingdom and Spain and are mainly educational ones with Ph.D, Post Graduate and Masters. The Practitioners are observed to be the voracious readers of the social media resulting in the present altmetric analysis

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