Nomenclatural and taxonomic changes in Staphyliniformia (Coleoptera)


Many nomenclatural changes are implemented in the beetle families Georissidae, Histeridae, Hydraenidae, Hydrochidae, Hydrophilidae, Ptiliidae, Leiodidae and especially Staphylinidae, of the beetle series Staphyliniformia (Coleoptera), in preparation for making a world catalog of this group available online. Limited taxonomic changes are also made in the staphylinid subfamilies Osoriinae and Staphylininae. At the level of family-group taxa, Article 29.4 of the current (1999) Zoological Code is reviewed and the original spellings of two tribal names, Nymphisterini Tishechkin (Histeridae) and Cryptonotopsisini Pace (Staphylinidae), are resurrected. The tribal name Stictocraniini Jakobson (Staphylinidae) is also resurrected as the valid name for its new synonym Fenderiini Scheerpeltz. Changes at the genus-group level in Histeridae include placing Contipus Marseul as a new synonym of Hister Linnaeus due to the current placement of its validly designated type species C. subquadratus Marseul; proposal of Contipides Newton gen. nov. (type species Contipus digitatus Marseul) for the 10 species that had remained in Contipus of authors; and new designation of Idolia laevigata Lewis as type species of Idolia Lewis. In Ptiliidae, Rodwayia ovata Lea is newly designated as type species of Rodwayia Lea, and Throscidium germainii Matthews is newly designated as type species of Throscidium Matthews. In Staphylinidae, Paramichrotus Naomi is resurrected as a valid subgenus of Hesperosoma Scheerpeltz with Hemihesperosoma Hayashi placed as a new synonym of it; Sonoma corticina Casey is reaffirmed as the type species of Sonoma Casey in place of Faronus tolulae LeConte; Stanosthetus Dejean is recognized as an available name and junior synonym of Euplectus Kirby; Taplandria Pace (type species T. guyanensis Pace) is recognized as a junior homonym and new synonym of Taplandria Pace (type species T. flava Pace); and Termitobiella Wasmann is resurrected as the valid name for the genus Felda Blackwelder. Replacement names for preoccupied generic or subgeneric names include in Histeridae Bellatricides Newton nom. nov. for Pachylister (Bellatrix) Mazur, junior homonym of Bellatrix Boie; and in Staphylinidae Foxiides Newton nom. nov. for Foxia Pace, junior homonym of Foxia Ashmead, and Xenasterides Newton nom. nov. for Xenaster Bierig, junior homonym of Xenaster Simonwitsch. Taxonomic changes at the generic level in Staphylinidae include proposal of Prolibia Newton gen. nov. (type species Lispinus californicus LeConte) for four Nearctic species recently placed in Clavilispinus Bernhauer; placement of Heterotrochinus Coiffait and its synonym Heterotrochus Coiffait as new synonyms of Eulibia Cameron; placement of the generic or subgeneric names Chapmaniella Bernhauer, Glenothorax Bierig, Euryolinus Bernhauer and Plesiolinus Bernhauer as new synonyms of Platydracus Thomson; and transfer of the subgenus Poikilodracus Scheerpeltz from Staphylinus Linnaeus to Platydracus. First reviser actions are used to select Georissites Ponomarenko (Georissidae) as the correct original spelling over the alternate original spelling Georyssites, and Kyrtusa Pace (Staphylinidae) as correct original spelling over Kirtusa. Several hundred nomenclatural and taxonomic changes at the species group level are briefly summarized here but are too numerous to list completely. Replacement names for preoccupied species or subspecies names in current use are proposed in Histeridae (3), Hydrochidae (1), Hydrophilidae (1), Leiodidae (2), Ptiliidae (3) and Staphylinidae (180); an additional staphylinid replacement name, Phloeopora nilgiriensis, is newly proposed by G. Paśnik. New or resurrected combinations are proposed for either nomenclatural or taxonomic reasons in the following genera (with indication of how many names in each genus): in Histeridae, Contipides Newton (10); in Staphylinidae, Abemus Mulsant and Rey (4), Allotrochus Fagel (6), Atheta Thomson (1), Cheilocolpus Solier (4), Eulibia Cameron (4), Foxiides Newton (1), Lispinus Erichson (3), Loncovilius Germain (2), Nacaeus Blackwelder (119), Naddia Fauvel (1), Neohypnus Coiffait and Sáiz (8), Neolosus Blackwelder (1), Ocypus Leach (2), Ontholestes Ganglbauer (1), Platydracus Thomson (59), Prolibia Newton (4) Termitobiella Wasmann (10), Thyreocephalus Guérin-Méneville (4), Xenasterides Newton (1), and Zeoleusis Steel (3). First reviser actions are used to resolve the correct original spellings (of two or more original spellings) of two species of Hydraena Kugelann (Hydraenidae) and 21 species of Staphylinidae. Changes in priority or availability of names are cited to establish the following names as valid over one or more new synonyms each: Acrotrichis rotundata (Haldeman) and Acrotrichis glabricollides Newton sp. nov. in Ptiliidae, Nemadiopsis franki Perreau in Leiodidae, and Gyrophaena nigra Kraatz, Heterothops fumigatus LeConte, Loncovilius germaini (Scheerpeltz), Philonthus upotovus Newton, sp. nov., Stenus fulviventris Rougemont, and nine species of Homalota Mannerheim in Staphylinidae. Finally, the species Eleusis lata Coiffait and Eleusis microlestiformis Coiffait are noted as not belonging to the genus Eleusis Laporte de Castelnau or to Staphylinidae, and are transferred without generic assignment to the subfamily Inopeplinae of the family Salpingidae

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