Drought as a Component of Local Hazard Mitigation Plans: Are the 100 Fastest Growing Counties Ready?


Drought is one of the most destructive natural disasters that threatens nearly every environment on earth. Between 1980 and 2011 there were 16 drought events in the United States with impacts that exceeded 1billionwithanaverageeventcostof1 billion with an average event cost of 12.2 billion according to the National Climate Data Center. While many states have engaged in the creation of drought plans, little research has been done regarding drought planning at the local level. This research examines the local planning efforts in 62 of the 100 fastest growing counties in the United States from 2000 to 2009. It is expected that the rate of population growth and intensive land development in these counties will result in larger, more frequent demands for quality water resources while decreasing the resiliency of these counties following future drought events. In an effort to review the current preparedness level of these locations, Local Hazard Mitigation Plans were empirically evaluated using a matrix with measureable indicators. The matrix was developed to examine the integration of drought planning elements as a component of the Local Hazard Mitigation Plans. The findings of this research indicate that drought preparedness and planning, when done, is frequently fractured and lacking a comprehensiveness that is necessary for meaningful impact and effectiveness for their area. This may suggest that many municipalities remain unprepared to face drought when it strikes. Results of this research should serve as a snapshot of what is currently being done in the field of drought planning in the realm of local planners and emergency managers, and is hoped to help increase awareness of changes that could be made to improve preparation, resiliency, and decrease the stress effects of future droughts. Adviser: Zhenghong Tan

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