Review of \u3ci\u3eFishes of the Central United States\u3c/i\u3e by Joseph R. Tomelleri and Mark E. Eberle.


The second, enlarged edition is a timely and necessary revision of the comfortable first edition classic. Tomelleri and Eberle remain true to their initial intent of providing accurate yet readable species accounts and detailed illustrations of Great Plains fishes. Format and style are especially suited for nontechnical audiences (anglers, naturalists, fish enthusiasts), whereas detailed life history accounts, summaries of conservation threats, and an extensive bibliography serve as handy references for natural resource managers and researchers. Upon first review, the Revised and Expanded label may seem suspect: this second edition has 34 fewer total pages. However, revision of taxonomy and addition of species accounts are quickly noticed and appreciated. Two families elevated since 1990 are added along with revised family and genera names. Notable additions are made to Cyprinidae, Ictaluridae, and Percidae. Among cyprinids, several genera (e.g., Hybognathus, Macrhybopsis, Dionda) are expanded or added, five new species accounts appear, and illustrations increase from 27 to 71

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