As a raptor specialist, I eagerly look forward to the publication of state and regional books on birds of prey, typically rich with hard-to-find locally flavored information on distribution and biology. With the publication of Raptors of New Mexico, my home state has joined the ranks of the handful of states blessed with such volumes, and in fine form. This is an impressive work both in size and content, but the first thing anyone will notice are the photographs-hundreds, most top-notch, many capturing moods, scenes, and places unique to New Mexican raptors. In many ways the book is a showcase for the 109 or so photographers who contributed images, but there is much more here than gorgeous pictures. Raptors of New Mexico includes chapters on the 19 species of Accipitriformes, five species of Falconiformes, and 13 species of Strigiformes that regularly occur in New Mexico, as well as a single chapter covering seven additional raptor species considered casual or accidental. Each species chapter includes sections on distribution (with detailed range maps), habitat associations, nesting, diet and foraging, predation and interspecific interactions, status and management, and references