Survey on the Prevalence of Measurement in Undergraduate Psychology Curricula across the United States


For several years, especially with the increasing use of high-stakes assessments, the high demand for qualified testing specialists has far exceeded the low supply, naturally resulting in a severe shortage of quantitative psychologists. One possible solution for combatting this imbalance is to increase the exposure of psychometric methods within national curricula for educating undergraduate students of psychology. Therefore, the current study seeks to assess the prevalence of psychological measurement across national undergraduate psychology curricula, since it has not been evaluated for roughly 15 years. Six hundred fifty psychology department chairpersons across the United States were emailed invitations to complete a 22-item survey pertaining to the prevalence of measurement within their own undergraduate psychology curriculum. Results indicated that psychometrics is becoming slightly more prevalent as compared to 15 years ago; however, measurement coverage is still failing to reach the recommended guidelines set by national conventions for the undergraduate education of psychology students. Adviser: Kurt F. Geisinge

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