Business in Nebraska #292 - January 1969


Changing Patterns of Communities in the Midwest (Dorothy Switzer) The regional concept of economic planning and development discussed in the December issue of Business in Nebraska was the subject also of a workshop conference on Changing Patterns of People and Communities in the Midwest, held in Omaha last month. It is deemed appropriate to report here the most significant highlight of the conference because the panel presentations and subsequent discussions further developed several important apects of regional growth. Business Summary (R. L. Busboom) Both Physical Volume and Dollar Volume Indexes for Nebraska indicate that the October, 1968 level of business activity was above that of October, 1967. For the U.S. these indexes increased over the same period at a rate slightly more than Nebraska\u27s. From September, 1968, to October, 1968, Nebraska\u27s dollar and physical volumes fell, being down about 1.6 percent. The indexes for the U.S. show some increase, with physical volume up 2.1% and dollar volume up 3.4%. Review

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