An Extension Program Helping Private Landowners Develop Natural Resource Enterprises in Mississippi


The Natural Resources Enterprise (NRE) Program at Mississippi State University has developed a comprehensive statewide extension effort to assist landowners in developing and managing outdoor recreational businesses using sound business and habitat management strategies. According to recent research, fee access wildlife and fisheries recreational enterprises on private lands diversify landowner income, enhance participation in USDA cost-share programs that increase wildlife habitats on marginal agricultural lands, and promote land stewardship and ownership retention. With this program, information pertinent to the development and management of natural resource enterprises is disseminated through a combination of landowner workshops, websites, extension publications, manuals, DVD tutorials, radio programs, field days, and demonstration areas. Through collaboration with partner organizations and institutions, the NRE Program has expanded its scope both inside Mississippi and regionally. This innovative program is leading Mississippi and the Southeast in transferring research-based information in wildlife management and fee-based recreation development to landowners interested in applying these strategies on their lands

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