
Geomorphological changes in Drava riverbed from Repaš till Ferdinandovac


Drava je rijeka koja kroz Hrvatsku prolazi tvoreći granicu s MaĊarskom većim dijelom svog toka. Cilj rada bio je istraţiti promjene u pruţanju korita Drave od Repaša do Ferdinandovca u posljednjih 235 godina na temelju metode komparativne analize osam razliĉitih kartografskih izvora. Pregledom promjena na povijesnim kartografskim izvorima te analizom literature utvrĊena je razina promjene i presudni utjecaj promjene (prirodni i antropogeni). Rezultati su pokazali da je u promatranom razdoblju došlo do znaĉajnih morfoloških promjena, ponajviše u razdoblju krajem 19. i poĉetkom 20. stoljeća, dok je presudni utjecaj ukupne promjene antropogen.The Drava river passes through Croatia forming a border with Hungary for most of its flow. The aim of the paper was to investigate the changes in riverbed position of Drava river from Repaš till Ferdinandovac over the last 235 years, based on the method of comparative analysis of eight different cartographic sources. By reviewing the changes in historical cartographic sources and by analyzing literature, the level of change and the crucial influence of change (natural and anthropogenic) was determined. The results showed that significant morphological changes took place in the observed period, mostly in the late 19th and early 20th century, while the crucial influence of total change was antrophogenic

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