
Konvergencija cikličke Jacobijeve metode za hermitsku matricu reda 4


U ovom radu prikazali smo Jacobijevu metodu za hermitske matrice reda 4 definiranu općom cikličkom pivotnom strategijom. Uveli smo relacije ekvivalencije \sim, \underaccent{\tilde}{s}, \underaccent{\tilde}{w}, \underaccent{\tilde}{p} na skupu svih cikličkih strategija te pokazali da konvergenost metode pod nekom strategijom povlači konvergentnost metode pod njoj ekvivalentnom strategijom. Zatim smo pokazali globalnu konvergenciju metode pod strategijama iz specijalne familije C1C_1 te pod jednom paralelnom strategijom. Pomoću računalnog programa podijelili smo 720 cikličkih strategija u 5 klasa ekvivalencije, te u svakoj klasi pronašli strategiju za koju smo pokazali globalnu konvergenciju. To je bilo dovoljno da se pokaže globalna konvergencija metode pod svih 720 cikličkih strategija.In this work we have presented the Jacobi method for Hermitian matrices of order 4 defined by a general cyclic pivot strategy. We have introduced equivalence relations \sim, \underaccent{\tilde}{s}, \underaccent{\tilde}{w}, \underaccent{\tilde}{p} on the set of cyclic strategies and shown that convergence of the method under some strategy implies convergence of the method under an equivalent strategy. Then we have shown the global convergence of the method under the strategies from the special family C1C_1 and under one parallel strategy. Using a computer program, we have partitioned the set of 720 cyclic strategies in 5 equivalence classes. For each class we have found a strategy for which the method is convergent. That is enough to show the global convergence of the method under all 720 cyclic strategies

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